
Below are the books published by the Institute.

Science, Technology & Public Policy: Imperatives for Developing Economies

Science and technology are advancing at a dizzying pace and we are at a place today we could scarcely imagine fifty years ago. Concepts like space tourism or even cybersecurity and the policies governing these concepts seemed too farfetched and irrelevant. Today, they are part of our reality. Our societies evolve almost in tandem with technological innovations, each breakthrough influencing and being influenced by public policy. This dynamic interplay shapes not only the development of new technologies but also the socio-economic landscapes they inhabit. In "SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & PUBLIC POLICY: IMPERATIVES FOR DEVELOPING ECONOMIES," we explore this relationship, providing insights into how developing economies can navigate and leverage these advancements for sustainable growth.

Basic Readings in Tourism and Hospitality Management

Hospitality and Tourism Management is a growing economic sector and a multi-disciplinary field of study with the purpose of preparing people with the expertise, commitment and skills for operations in the expanding industry that provides food, accommodation and tourism services to people away from home. With growing interest in the discipline and emerging managerial challenges, it becomes necessary to develop a knowledge based literature that will prepare one for career and also enhance the managerial insight for operational capacity in the industry.Basic Readings in Tourism and Hospitality Management is written in an engaging style that examines a range of fundamental, theoretical and empirical issues in the tourism and hospitality industry. Students, academics, researchers, government officials, consultants and managers in the Hospitality Industry, will find the book useful to improve skills capacity and performance.

Economics of Tourism Development

Tourism is widely considered as an effective contributor to socio-economic development, particularly in less developed countries. Despite the almost universal adoption oftourism as a developmental option, the extent to which economic and social development inevitably follows the introduction and promotion of a tourism sector remains the subject of intense debate.
The Economics of Tourism Development examines contemporary economic and social issues in tourism development strategies with a close examination to approaches to tourism research, practice and sustainability. Looking beyond the much-studied mass tourism industries, it explores emerging development challenges in the African Tourism Economyand prospects for sustainability.
To professionals, academics, researchers, policy-makers, consultants, practitioners, government officials and students interested in tourism, particularly its policy and development strategies, this book is a timely and cutting edge literature for effective research

A concise framework on HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

An organization can achieve its objectives only through the utilization of human effort. Its ‘human resource’ is, therefore, very important. An organization’s ‘human resource’ comprises the combined contributions in the form of efforts, skills or capabilities of the people it employs. In order to manage the wide variety of people working in an organization in the complex business world of today, it has become necessary to apply scientific and practical systems of managing people. This book is an attempt to provide an insight into the various elements which constitute Human Resource Management. It is a classic text for all students studying HRM – both undergraduate and postgraduate and, an essential reference source for managers concerned with personnel and HRM issues.

Machinery of Government and Civil Service Performance

The civil service in Nigeria has emerged over the years as the most critical and crucial part of national development and democratic stability. Despite long years of military rule which in several ways distorted the character and philosophy of the service, its role in national development has remained valuable. As a vehicle and machinery of public policy formulation and implementation, the service acts as catalyst for crystalizing the shared goals of the citizenry.
Impliedly, the inefficienty of the civil service of any nation can constitute one of the greatest obstacles to development. The survival of any developmental democracy especially the democracy we have embraced in Nigeria depends largly on the efficiency and effectiveness of the civil service. As an employment system, the civil service requires the service of dedicated, loyal and trusted officers to realize its goal in driving the agenda for democratic survival in our society. This literature attempts to examine the Nature, Structure and Function of the Machinery of Government with particular reference to the Nigerian Civil Service. In simple and concise style, it x-rays teh concept of government, its machinery in a federal system, bureaucratic framework, characteristics and operations along the line of the complementing role or otherwise played by the officers int eh service in accordance with the service rules and regulations.
Given its simple diction, simple and detailed explanatory style, the book is a necessary literature for students and researchers studying the Machinery of Government and Government Regulations, Puclic Service Management & Performance, Government and Politics, etc. Career Civil/Public Servants and Managers will find this book useful as a tool to enhance improved performance
Standards for Writing Research

Standards for Writing Research

Research is a general term which covers all kinds of studies designed to find responses to worthwhile questions by means of a systematic and scientific approach. It is a common parlance in academic and a life style to academia.

There are many different ways to carry out research but roughly speaking there are two main approaches, namely qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative studies concentrate mainly on words and meanings and aim to capture the richness and complexity of human experience, whereas Quantitative studies involve recording information obtained from participants in numerical form so as to enable statistical analysis of the findings and the generalization of those findings to the wider population. Behind these two main approaches, there are important theoretical differences and philosophical assumptions about the nature of knowledge, truth and reality, how this should be recorded, what kinds of methods should be used and the role of the researcher in this process.

In the past, there were considerable debates about which approach was “right” and some people argued that the two approaches were incompatible. Nowadays, it is generally accepted that both approaches are valid and have their advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, many researchers adopt a pragmatic approach, simply using whichever method is best suited to answering their research questions and which might even involve a combination of both approaches within the same study. With this changing trend and complex nature of development issues, successful researchers think carefully and strategically about their skills, objectives and the areas in which they need to develop.

This guide, Standards for Writing Research, written in a multi-disciplinary approach provides useful insights on how to develop and organize research papers, proposals, grants and field reports. Basic issues concerning editorials and publication ethics are also examined. It is intended to serve both the academic and non academic community; especially institutions involved in research activities.

Written in simple English to serve all class of research groups, it is designed to identify where your development needs are and to help you in addressing them. The examples provided are very explanatory. A careful study and application of the principles handed down in this guide by seasoned research experts will train, encourage and equip your capacity with new global techniques in carrying out academic research. Take advantage of this insight and improve your research skills.

Purchase this item for $15.00 USD and download it as PDF or you order for a hard copy; write the Editor,

Understanding Community and Rural Development

Understanding Community and Rural Development is a well researched work in time and class. The book is written in simple everyday English to help make the subject matter clear to students, researchers in the field as well as the general reader who develops interest in the development of the Nigerian Community and Rural areas, its emerging challenges and prospects. The book, in clear terms, addresses the concepts of rural areas, rural poverty and rural development policies. It also examines emerging community development strategies and offers great insight on their impacts on the socio-economic lives of rural dwellers.

Students in Nigeria as well as other foreign Universities, Colleges of Education and institutions of higher learning who find themselves within the purview of aforementioned areas of study will appreciate this text in all facets. Politicians, Civil Servants, Local Government Officials and Workers, Legislators, Teachers and Scholars involved in rural development research will also find the book and interesting aid to knowledge.

Understanding Rural Development

Understanding Rural Development – Concepts, Theories and Strategies is a well-researched work in time and class. The book is written in simple everyday English to help make the subject matter clear to students, researchers in the field as well as the general reader who develops interest in the structures of the Nigerian rural development, its emerging challenges and prospects. The book, in clear terms, addresses the concepts of rural areas, rural poverty and rural development and also offers great insight on rural development policies and their impact on the socio-economic lives of rural dwellers. Undergraduate students in Nigeria as well as other foreign universities, Colleges of Education and other institutions of higher learning who find themselves within the purview of the aforementioned areas of study will appreciate this text in all its facets. Politicians, Civil Servants, Local Government officials and workers, Legislators, Teachers and Scholars involved in rural development research will also find the book an interesting aid to knowledge

The Framework of Pubic Administration

The Framework of Public Administration is one of the bold efforts geared towards adequately equipping scholars and practitioners of Public Administration in their daily analysis. Its detailed examination and analysis of contending and contemporary issues in Public Administration makes the book a must read not only for students and practitioners ofPublic Administration but also for the general public. The author’s wide coverage of issues (rudimentary and advanced) as well as style of presentation gives the book a unique feature that must of necessity be explored by all and sundry

The Framework of Pubic Administration - 2

The Framework of Public Administration is one of the bold efforts geared towards adequately equipping scholars and practitioners of Public Administration in their daily analysis. Its detailed examination and analysis of contending and contemporary issues in Public Administration makes the book a must read not only for students and practitioners ofPublic Administration but also for the general public. The author’s wide coverage of issues (rudimentary and advanced) as well as style of presentation gives the book a unique feature that must of necessity be explored by all and sundry

When You're Down to Nothing

Most times, mistakes are made in life; it becomes boring, cruel and unbearable. There is constant stress, lack of joy and frustration and difficulties. At this verge, many people have given up the challenge of moving forward. It is because the basic knowledge of the intricacies of life is missing. This book fills the gap. The book “Don't Give Up” is a trove of wisdom, and a must read for every family as it covers all aspects of life and addresses ideas for all ages.

New Perspectives on Personnel Management and Organisational Performance

“New Perspectives on Personnel Management and Organisational Performance”, a seventeen chapter volume, is a well-researched and outstanding contribution to the discipline and practice of personnel management. It provides deep analysis of existing trends and new perspectives on building a goal-oriented workforce. It analyses the employment relationship and the way people are managed in the workplace. It explores these issues not only in the context of the individual employee and their employer, but in the context of the wider workplace, the labour market and economic forces shaping the world of work, technological changes, employment regulations and social trends. It is interesting that this discipline whether presented as Personnel Management, Administration or Human Resource Management is usually recommended for students in Departments in the Social Sciences, Management Sciences, Education, etc. This volume serves as an outstanding literature for use, both at the Undergraduate and Post graduate level. For management practitioners, government functionaries and private sector operatives, this book is recommended as a first class handbook for management practice. There is no second best, as it explores all dimensions required to develop a more rounded understanding of managing people at work.

Organisational Theories in Public Administration and Management

All administrative and management process require an organisation of some shape, size or kind and all organisation carry on some measure of administrative and management activity. The organisation is the achinery through which coordination is established between administration (deterministic) and management (executive) functions. Understanding the nature, complexities, practice, challenges and prospects of these functions is the role of organisational theories. While administration and management are related by means of organisation, organisational theories defines, explains and predicts the social context of their relationships and pattern of achieving specific desired objectives. "Organisational Theories in Public Administration and Managemeng" explores classical and modern theories of organisation and shows their significance in modern day administrative and management process. Well researched and referenced, it is recommended for students in the Departments of Social Sciences, Management, Sciences, Education, etc, at both Undergraduate and Post Graduate levels as a goldmine for intellectual review. For management practitioners, government functionaries and private sector operatives, this book is presented as a classic for understanding group behaviour and organisational dynamics.

State - Local Government Relations and Rural Development in Nigeria

State governments often remark that Local Governments are not carrying out their avowed responsibilities i.e. delivering social amenities to the rural populace; Whilst Local Government also decry excessive state control over them and attendant whittling down of their operational autonomy as a fundamental problem affecting the performance of Local Government. The existing rhetoric on state-local government relations and the performance of local governments in Nigeria therefore, illuminates jurisdictional, functional, and operational problems between state and local governments. Rural populations seem to bear lion share of the brunt of the foregoing crisis. State-Local Government Relations and Rural Development in Nigeria therefore is a concise volume that offers:

Theoretically, an understanding of the implications of the pattern of state control on local government administration and the performance of local governments in rural development
A lucid exposition of facts and figures through empirical data, as a contribution to the body of existing knowledge on the problems of rural development within the context of State-Local Government Relations in Nigeria, specifically Bayelsa State; and as such, serves as a documentary evidence for further researches in the theory and practice of Local Government administration; and
Practically exposes the role of the state in rural development to both state and local government officials This kind of knowledge will further reawaken the collective consciousness of Nigeriansn on the role of state governments in the performance or non-performance of their local government in rural development. Finally, this monograph will be of gainful use to social science scholarship, local government operators, state government functionaries, public policy-makers, and for all those in the vanguard of rural development

Citizen Participation and Legitimacy Crisis

Every successive elective office-holder in Nigeria seems to appreciate the importance of ‘the mandate of the people’. Nevertheless, free and fair elections which are the constitutional sources of the widely acclaimed mandate are quite uncommon. Paradoxically, after depriving the electorate from voting in the so-called elections that brought them to power, elective office-holders often claim as having the ‘mandate of the people’ at the slightest challenge of their legitimacy by aggrieved persons. The popular claim and/or statement of such embattled elected office-holder(s) are “I am holding this office by the ‘mandate of my people’”. This is a common statement no matter how fraudulent the elections to the acclaimed victory. It therefore implies that, knowingly or unknowingly by the elected office-holder, his/her legitimacy is a function of citizen’ free participation in the elections that brought him/her to office. Citizen Participation and Legitimacy Crisis in Nigeria therefore offers a clear understanding of the implications of Citizens’ free participation and/or non-participation in an election on the range of legitimacy of the elected office-holder. It also serves as a contribution to the body of existing knowledge on the socio-economic and political implications of wresting political power without citizens’ participation in the practice of democratic rule and how to secure it. Finally, this concise volume of empirical research will also serve as a documentary evidence for further researches in the theory and practice of democracy. This monograph will be useful to social science scholarship, public policy-makers, elective office seekers, the electorate and security agents.


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